Now, I know most of you are thinking... What does Harry Potter and Bono have to do with each other? Well nothing, except they are the two most prevalent things on my mind. I read the first harry potter book about 10 days ago in 4 hours. It was awesome, so today I borrowed the second one (Chamber of Secrets) from a friend and finished it in probably 4.5 hours. The thing with me and reading that I have always known, but have really only become self-aware of in the last few months is that I have to balance my reading. By reading all these heavy, deep-thought, political, and philosophical works by some of the great minds in our history, it really pushes and stretches my mind. Most people would respond to this by not reading at all. However, I have found that my mind best responds and internalizes this by reading a story, for the pure joy of it. These first two books have done a marvelous job of that for me this quarter. Not too mention, they are just great stories and I love reading them.
Now to Bono, I have just been listening to U2 a lot and I figured I would throw a picture of him up there for you all. If you haven't listened to U2, I STRONGLY suggest it. In fact, I would demand it.. They are truly one of those bands that can touch you through their music, and I feel that I am a better person just for having heard it.
Other than that, got some sources for my thesis today at school. The library actually had a fairly large amount of information on Senegal and is going to be a great help. Im beginning to develop some ideas of why Senegal is so stable, and I think it is more based on the political history/actions and the religious aspects of the society versus the social or economic factors of the country. Ill have to continue to look into that though.
Worked out today for the first time in about a month. Kicked my butt a little, but its good. Now that my tattoo is pretty much healed, I can work out, run and play tennis again. Im planning on going on like a 2 mile job tomorrow since I havent run in like a month too, and hopefully play some tennis on thursday. Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday and talk to you soon.