Friday, June 26, 2009
Ny Ny
Anyways, I got home from NYC last night and had an amazing time. Did all of the touristy stuff: The met, central park, empire state building, took a cab, rode the subway, walked down wall st, went to ground zero, rode the staten island ferry, saw the statue of liberty, and so much more. Steve, Mike, and I had a blast and took a ton of great pictures so I'll be uploading those to my facebook.
Everything else is good, exited for the summer and for life in general. Hope everything is good for everyone else too. Take care.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Been reading a lot lately, read the 6th Harry Potter book, Read the book of 5 rings, and now im reading Dreams from My Father which are Obama's memoirs. I put my 2 weeks in to my job yesterday and they like me so much they offered to hold my job for me until I get back at the end of september! So i won't have to work all summer and I'll still have employment when school starts back up which is awesome. My new laptop has been awesome too I love it. Im almost finished with the rurouni kenshin anime series I only have like 10 more episodes, it has been awesome. Also, I bought the new tiger woods game and man is it addicting. The graphics are beautiful and it is a lot of fun.
Quick Tennis update: Nadal pulled out of wimbledon, which means that as long as Federer makes the final again he will take over the #1 ranking again. Only Ivan Lendl has regained this spot after losing it, so Fed could be the 2nd guy ever to do it. Im sure he would like to win though, it would be his 6th Wimby and 15th Grand slam making him the all time leader in slam wins.
Hmm what else.. Oh yeah my mom is coming out while my sisters are in town, so it will be good to see her again and have the whole family together. Thats about the main points, its going to be a fun and hectic summer between traveling and writing my master's thesis. Hope everything is good with everyone else. Ciao.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Big things this last week!

First and foremost. CONGRATULATIONS ROGER FEDERER!!! Today, Roger won his first French Open, completing the career grand slam. Also, it was his 14th major tying him with Pete Sampras of all time. It is hard to argue against him being the greatest player of all time. That is the scene of him after the final shot. I am so happy for Roger after all the trouble he had last year. Wimbledon is next and if he can win that not only will he have his 15th major but will probably be ranked #1 in the world again. Which would make me quite happy. Speaking of my own tennis, I took a set off John last night on the Clay. I think i have won a total of 6 sets now. Not much but its progress. Also, Congrats to Tiger Woods who came back from 4 shots down to win the memorial tournament, the final warmup before the US open.
I bought a Toshiba Satellite A305-S6916 Special Edition laptop this week too. My old one finally died and Im tired of messing with it. This thing is fully loaded and was on sale from best buy so I got a good deal. Its nice to have a new cpu. I saw changeling last night at caroline's house, what a great movie; angeline jolie was superb. My friend Matt got into USC and is driving down right now to come stay with me for a few nights. We are going to check out the campus and UCLA too which will be cool because I have never been to either campus.
One more week of school and then finals. Here is the to-do list:
PSCI 540: Final presentation (paper is done just needs to be edited: both due June 10)
Hist 600: Final paper and presentation (due June 19)
Econ 500: Final draft of paper and Final (Paper is due June 10th I think and final next week sometime)
Hopefully I can pull off 2 a's and an a-. I have an A and 2 a-'s right now. The potential to get all A's is there but I would have to get nearly 100% in econ on the last 2 assignments. I can deal with a 3.9.
Dad is buying a new couch today and maybe a new laptop for himself. Good for him. Still waiting to hear on whether I am going to Hawaii or not. Anyways take care and talk to you soon.