Sunday, December 19, 2010

I'm back!!!!

Me in Rio

Well after a blogging break of over three months, I decided it was time to get back on this thing. As some of you know, I was gone in South America for 10 weeks. I have been home for about a month (returned on November 18) and have just been readjusting to life back in the States.

I decided the old blog could use a little makeover, so I setup a new layout and put up a new profile picture from me in Bolivia.

So what can I say?? A lot has changed in my life in the past 3 months.

1. I officially am done with my masters degree, have received my thesis bound in a book, and have recently been notified that they have mailed out my paper diploma. Pretty exciting stuff eh?
2. I spent 10 of the most amazing weeks of my life traveling around South America and the Caribbean. This included visiting more than 10 countries, meeting many amazing people, and greatly improving my Spanish skills (at least I like to think so). If you are interested in reading about this and seeing pictures, check out the blog listed on the side of this one.
3. I decided that I want to move to Australia for a year (maximum because of the visa thing) and am planning to do that at the end of May after my sister and uncle get married.

Thats the main stuff.. pretty cool right? Since I have been home, I have just been lazy really. I am lucky enough that I had my job at Sonata to return too. I have been hitting the job hunting trail fairly hard, but with little luck. The job market is still really bad and for having sent out probably 100 applications in a month, I have only gotten 2 interview.

Also, my dad purchased and moved into a new house while I was gone, so that was really cool. I saw it once before I left, when it was empty. Its double the size of the old place and the yard is probably 6 to 7 times bigger. Definitely a nice upgrade. Nice to see my dad really happy too. I have been playing a lot of Xbox too, I spent so a lot of time reading while I traveled and writing beforehand, so its nice to just shut my brain off and relax. I finally got back on the fitness trail this past week and have started working out again. I haven't been able to play tennis (besides twice) because my friend John seems to have disappeared.. oh well.

Christmas is in 6 days, which is always exciting. I'm not as much in the Christmas spirit as normal I think because I was gone for so long. I can't believe its here already.

Also, I am really excited because my friend that I traveled with for 6 weeks will be coming to visit and stay for me at the end of January for 10 days on her way to Australia and I know we are going to have a great time!

That is about it for now, hope everyone is doing well.