Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome 2010!

Well I have to say it was a good start to the new years. I spent a wonderful weekend with quite a special person :). Miss Stacy came down and we had a great weekend together, hope everyone else really enjoyed the kickoff to their new year as well.

Got a bit of a busy week coming up: I finished the first of my three economics essays (15 pages!). Paul Baran's Political Economy of Growth was challenging. Next up is Andre Gunder Frank's Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America that looks to be more of the same. On Saturday, I am presenting my Rwandan Genocide paper at the conference in San Diego. I finially heard from the professor who heads the phi theta alpha chapter and im a little more at ease.. I thought it had to be this big presentation but she said most people just straight up read their papers, which sounds boring to me. I imagine ill talk about the more interesting parts and maybe ready some direct quotes from the paper, should be a good experience. So I'll head down there friday night and chill with Mike and then probably hang out with him on Saturday after my presentation.

Watched Boise State beat TCU last night 17-10... really good defensive game. Chris Petersen and Boise never fail to amaze me; they called this fake punt on a 4th and 9 from their own 30 when it was tied at 10-10. Great stuff, makes me really miss coaching. I have been playing a lot of tennis lately too and quite well I might add. I think I have one a set for 3 or 4 straight times. Last time I should have won 2, but the lights shut off right as I was about to serve and completely screwed up my momentum. Im going to play today and we are at 4-4 in a set with me serving again so we will see how that goes. Been eating a little better, need to keep working on that, and I really need to start hitting my weight machine blah.

School starts next Tuesday, somewhat excited for that. A little anxious though because I REALLY need to get going on my thesis and I just haven't had the chance with these economics essays and my applications. I really hope I can knock this thing out because the first reading is mid-February :\. Other than that I just have one class so the school stuff should be fairly simple besides finishing my thesis.

Lifes great and today is beautiful. Wish the best for everyone. Speak soon.

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