Monday, August 3, 2009

Time to be productive!

Well after not doing much the past few weeks as far as thesis writing, I am definitely trying to put in some work. I wrote 5 pages today to bring me up to roughly 25.. so worst case scenario I am like a quarter of the way done. Its exciting because I'm getting to the point where my sources are referencing each other in their work and starting to overlap meaning: 1. Im actually learning this stuff and 2. Im working my way through the material and 3. My topic has finally become specialized on democratic consolidation. My goal was to write another 20 before I left for Hawaii which is in TWO WEEKS oh boy! Hopefully I can stay motivated and somehow write 5 a day mon-fri which would bring me up to 70 before I left haha. Fat chance but its nice to dream yes?

Been playing a bit of tennis too which has been good. Actually my tennis buddy is gone for the week in Vancouver so it will allow me to focus on my thesis more. We went out and set up his camera on a tripod and got some pretty cool actions shots of us playing. I was trying to upload a few but since he has a mac, they are in the PICT format which is recognized by nothing. I need to find a way to convert them and then I will upload a few in my next post.

I went quad riding with my dad yesterday which was a ton of fun! I haven't been riding since we went to Ocotillo Wells on Easter I think. It was definitely good times and my back is a little sore since its not used to the vibration of riding. It would be nice to go more often but its pretty hot now so no dice I think.

The other big news is that I have been playing my keyboard everyday for the past, oh I don't know, 8 or 9 days. I hadn't realized how much I miss playing music. I listen to music pretty much all day nonstop but I haven't played my keyboard since last summer :S. Its been a lot of fun though, Im learning a lot of Coldplay songs seeing how I have been listening to them so much lately. Also, I am learning the first movement of Moonlight Sonata which is just a gorgeous piece. Anyways, it has been really relaxing and soothing. Maybe if I get a few songs down pat.. I only have like one or two right now, but if I get a few more I will make a video and upload it. Would be kinda fun.

And of course, there really is nothing like meeting someone you didn't know before and realizing how awesome they are. I recently reconnected, well really connected for the first time a girl I went to high school with and she is really cool. Its so nice to meet someone that you share so much in common with and connect with.

Anyways, on the whole, life is pretty good right now except for the fact that Im super broke haha. I just need to wait for school to starts because Ill be working again and get my living expenses loan I took out (just a small one). A bit of a long post, but I had a lot to say. Hope everyone is doing well and take care =).

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