Sunday, January 24, 2010

Where did January go?

Hey everyone,

Been a bit between posts but for good reason. I spent January 17-22 up in Sacramento with Stacy which was really good. Did some fun stuff, walked around Old Sac, went to a drive-in, had dinner with some friends, watched a lot of movies, and just got to spend some good time together. I also got to see my uncle and cousin, and another friend that I coached with at Colfax. Definitely was tough to leave, but she will be back down for Valentine's day weekend so in about 18 days or so.

Finished the essay for the Magdoff book, so I am officially done with my independent study. All I have left to graduate is one class and finishing my thesis. Today, I caught up on all my reading for the class (I skipped both classes last week while I was in Sacramento) so I should be all set with that. Starting this week I really need to treat my thesis as a job and put good, solid hours of work into it. The first review reading or whatever is February 19th.. so its coming up in 3.5 weeks. I also finished my Oxford application, so I am completely done with apps since I decided not to apply to SOAS. Now I just have to play the waiting game until March to see if i get in anywhere.

Got my school money, which was nice. Catch up on some stuff... also I got 240$ back on my credit card from my bank. When I originally bought patriot tickets in December a guy tried to burn me by not sending the tickets so I was able to cancel that transaction thankfully. I need to buy my books for class on tuesday.. I only need like 3 and they are only going to be like 60-70$ which is nice.

I haven't played any tennis in about 8 days since I was gone, I was going to play last night but had some miscommunication with my buddy. It worked out though I had a really good in-depth talk with my dad for about 3 hours which was nice because it doesn't happen often. I have only seen like one match in the Australian Open too, which is already halfway over but Ill get to watch more this week.

Things are awesome though, everything is great. Hope everyone else is good. Take care.

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