Hello all,
Well, well its been a few days so lets see what has happened... First, I had a huge presentation on Sudan on Wednesday night. I spent pretty much all day Tuesday and Wednesday putting that together, I've done a lot of research throughout the quarter it was just a matter of putting it all together. My group and I spoke about them for an hour and 15 minutes! Oops, we were only suppose to talk for about 45 minutes haha oh well, its a large country (one and a half times the size of Alaska, which is the continental U.S. west of the Mississippi River) and there is a lot going on there regarding terrorism. The class is terrorism in Africa and its one of the coolest classes I've ever taken. Lets see, I beat Fable 2 for the second time on Tuesday (yes I'm a gamer: I have an xbox 360 and a nintendo wii). So I took Fable 2, Gears of War 1, Ncaa football 08, Gun, Call of Duty 2, Mass Effect, and Wii play to Game stop and traded them in. Fable 2 is an awesome game as is Mass Effect: both are RPG/adventure type games with lots of side quests and exploring to do. I highly recommend them to anyone with an xbox. Anyways, Game stop has this deal right now that they add 30% of the value to whatever your trading in on top so I got like 65$ for all those games. So, I bought the new Animal Crossing with the Wii Speak thing. Its pretty cool so far, I have only played it for like an hour and a half. It starts off kind of slow, but it is getting a lot better.
My posters arrived yesterday as well, but I haven't even opened them. I was suppose to play tennis last night with my buddy John, but my other friend Omar texted me and invited me to the Los Angeles Kings game (Hockey for those of you confused). It was awesome, he had great seats he got from one of his student's dads (hes a sixth grade teacher). I have never been to the Staples Center and I have to say its pretty awesome; way better than Arco Arena in Sacramento which is what I am used too. Anyways, they played the Washington Capitals so I got to see Alex Ovechkin play, which was awesome because he was the MVP of the NHL last year. The Kings won 5-2, so it was a really good game. I also bought the book I need for one of my classes next quarter and the books I need for my January teaching class, so it was good to get that out of the way. I try to buy all my books on either Amazon or half.com, which is run by ebay. I seriously have saved thousands of dollars by doing this and I usually can sell them back to the school for alm0st as much as I pay for them.
I'm at work right now and just about to start working on some school work. I need to go running today, I slacked big time this week because of my presentation. I'm going to play tennis tomorrow with John too, so that will be good to get out two days in a row. I feel like something else happened that I wanted to write about, but I can't really remember... hm. Oh yeah, I watched the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special this morning. Man, talk about memories.. I have been watching those Peanuts specials since I can remember. In fact, I bought all of them on DVD last year, that way I can always watch them during the holidays. Thats pretty funny isn't it? I guess I am kind of weird ha oh well. I hope everyone has a great Friday. Αντίο!
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