Saturday, November 22, 2008


So I have a mom and day.. like most of you. I also have two sisters: Shannon, 24, who lives in Vallejo with her boyfriend. Meghan, 18, lives in Illinois with my mom. My little sister is pregnant and is due on New Years Day. Shes trying to buy a car right now.. its hard not to be able to help. My parents both have most of their money tied up in home improvements and/or paying off bills so unfortunately Meghan is in a tough spot. I wish I was working full-time and I could just lend her the money to bail her out. Oh well, at least she doesn't need the car right this minute, otherwise she would be screwed. She is going to community college and is going to take online classes next semester, when she has her daughter that way she won't have to miss any school. I'm very proud of her and excited to be a uncle. I bought her a baby monitor today on one of her online baby registries, its something she needed and I hope it will get good use out of it for the next few years. I just need to figure out what I'm going to get her for Xmas, not just some crap she doesn't need but hopefully something she wants and can use. I really miss her and I hope her boyfriend steps up and becomes a man. I don't want her to have to go through a terrible situation because some immature guy isn't willing to take care of something he helped cause. I don't really know him so I'm trying to keep an open mind; but when I hear conflicting things from other people in the family... ay ay ay. I guess this is life though isn't it? Full of unexpected twists and turns (like pregnancies). I just really needed to get this out, I got pretty upset thinking about it earlier. I just hate feeling helpless.

Anyways, on to something a little more cheerful, not that my sister being pregnant is not, but my worriness. I received my Grandpa's latest book in the mail a few days ago. My grandpa is a really intelligent man and is trying to get his hand involved in writing fiction novels. I've read his first book which is a military story about the Baja California peninsula. This book, The Society of Traders, is about a Celtic tribe living in ancient England.. It's an action/adventure with a love story intertwined in. I'm excited to read it... I'm also reading a book for school called Bowling Alone. It basically talks about how Americans don't talk, visit, volunteer, join organizations, host dinner parties, or do anything social as much anymore. He has a really extensive amount of evidence to prove his point and its really disturbing to read. TV is the biggest culprit of this trend according to him. It really made me think about TV in my life and how much time I spend in front of it, when I could be visiting with family and friends. Also, do I want my children to be exposed to as much TV as I was growing up or still am? Do I even have the strength to say no to TV, something that has become so ingrained in most of our lives? I don't know... I mainly watch sports, history, discovery, national geographic.. is this as bad as the regular bullshit shows or soap operas? I'm not sure; maybe I'll know when I finish the book.

Haha well I'm sorry this turned into such a deep post, well actually I'm not. The art of intellectual communication and conversation seems a rare thing these days. Even if it is a conversation with yourself. Anyways, I'm going to leave you with a quote from one of my favorite musicians Lupe Fiasco: "Close your eyes, see with your heart." Have a wonderful night and a wonderful weekend everyone.

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