Wednesday, December 10, 2008


My first quarter of graduate school is officially over. I turned in my group's Africa compilation tonight so I have turned in everything! It feels good to be done, and now its time for the waiting game... What kind of grades will I get? Theres a possibility of getting straight A's but I think I will get either two A's and one B, or one A and two B's. Either way its a good first quarter start. I have one A guarenteed and the other two classes could go either A or B since my grade is based off like 2 assignments in each class. I wrapped and sent off all my x-mas presents so im done with that too, except for finding some thing for my mom. I might just send her a card. Oh! I won 70$ last weekend in a football pool. My dad's work has a football pool each week and I won so that was a nice little boost, helped my get my little sister a gift, and pay my dad the $20 I kept "forgetting" to give him.

In other news, I started reading a fiction book from the Roman times that is good so far; Ill write more on that as I get into it, im only 100 pages in. My friend Steve is coming done in 5 days for 3-4 days. We are going to SD to hang out with our buddy Mike for 2 days and spend the rest here. Sorry if I already wrote about this I didn't look at the blog before I posted. Also, I am going back up north again the weekend after xmas which i have off from work. I plan on leaving friday the 26th, and probably driving home monday the 29th. I have to talk to my friend Caroline, who is going to ride up with me, and see what her schedule looks like.

I think thats about it. One of my professors is having a going away party on friday at the school and then i guess a bunch of students and faculty are going out after. It starts at 4 and I get off at 4 but Ill probably shoot up anyways and just be a little late. Oh yeah, on Saturday night my Uncle is having an xmas party at his house in Palm Desert. Should be fun, with a white elephant and all that jazz. Anyways, thats all for now, Take care.

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