I really just realized today how close to christmas it is. I normally am obsessed with christmas all through December, but I have been so busy that besides decorating the tree I haven't really thought about it too much. Well, I had a great visit with my friend Steve. He got down about 10:00pm on monday night and we talked until about 4:30am. We slept in and headed to San Diego in the late afternoon. We met up with our buddy Mike and went out to dinner down in Pacific Beach (picture above). After we went back to his house and starting to drink a little and play some ping pong, which was fun. Somehow I managed to beat my friend Mike who I am like 0-15 against lifetime haha. I had some really lucky shots. Anyways, we headed over to this Irish pub called the Blarney Stone in Clairmont, which was totally fun because they had some good drink deals and had Rock Band going. It was the best idea, instead of having a live band or music playing you just have Rock Band set up and have people at the bar take turns playing. It was pretty awesome, I played one song on guitar and another on drums so that was fun. Then, we headed down to Pacific Beach and went to the Pacific Beach Bar and Grill after checking out a few other spots. It had started to rain so there wasn't a ton of people out, but PB bar and grill was pretty packed. We hung out until about 1:30am and then headed back to Mike's house and went to bed.
The next morning, we got up around 10:00am and played a little Tiger Woods 09. We just hung out for a few hours trying to decide what we wanted to do. About 4am, it started to absolutely pour rain. I felt like I was back in Northern California, it was raining so hard. It was still raining after we got up, so instead of going to the mall like we were planning, we went to the movies and saw the new James Bond. "Quantom of Solace" was good, I liked it more than Daniel Craig's first Bond movie Casino Royale. After the movie, Steve and I blew out and came back to Moreno Valley. The rain had stopped while we were in the movies, but as soon as we left to drive home it started pouring again so it was a bummer he had to come down to crappy weather. We got home and watched some basketball for a while. Then we went to Bj's for dessert and drinks for a little which was fun. Bj's pizookies are legit for anyone who likes dessert. There is nothing like a huge cookie with vanilla ice cream on it. We came back home, talked with my dad for a bit, and then watched the new Indiana Jones movie since Steve had never seen it. After that we went to bed.
I woke up this morning at about 9:30am and Steve had already left. So we had a fun little jaunt down to San Diego. Two of my three grades for school have already been posted, but I'm going to wait out on posting the grades because I want to wait until I get the third one (There might be a small celebration haha). Today, I just have been hanging out - I watched Prince Caspian (Awesome Movie) and now I'm watching Survivorman, which is about Les Stroud (the guy in the picture above) surviving in different environments. I'm going up north again in about 8 days so I just have work this weekend, then just x-mas and hanging out next week before I leave. Hope everyone is having a great week.
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