Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hi All

How is everyone? Good hopefully. Im doing well, starting to get very busy though. Halloween was low-key although I did win 100 bucks playing black jack at a casino. I got a new video game to be my distraction about a week ago after beating bioshock (excellent game by the way), called Dragon Age Origins. This game is utterly massive, Im already 32 hours in and maybe a third of the way through. I love fantasy RPG games sigh... I literally played all day today.. its all I did.. really... Anyways, everything school-wise is coming together quite nicely. I got my Letters of recommendation all lined up, so pretty much im done with my US applications, I need to upload transcipts and write my research proposal for the UK schools and I will be done with those as well. Tomorrow I'm hoping to be productive since I was utterly unproductive today. Playing a bit of tennis lately which has been nice, although my legs killed when I played yesterday, must be time for new shoes.

Biggest news is that Im going to NYC, Boston, and CT in December, Ill be gone from 12/11 to 12/16 visiting friends and doing some stuff. I might make it up to a Patriots game, which would be glorious. Im starting to get excited for Thanksgiving as well since I will be going to Northern California for a few days and that is always a good time. School-wise I am down to a presentation, a 10 page paper, and a 25 pager. Then I have my independant study papers, which hopefully Ill finish 2 of those before the end of the quarter.

For some reason, I have had an urge lately to go clothing shopping. I can't really afford it, but I want some new WINTER clothes... problem is.. not much of a winter in southern california. I really do need a peacoat/coat thing though, so I might just go ahead and get one. I have a jacket and plenty of sweaters and long sleeves. My shoes are getting a bit beat up.. I don't think I will go with airwalks again.. I've had these a year but they just seem weird I don't know. I've also had a strong urge to do some recreational reading, but between playing Dragon Age and school work, I have plenty to read.. hmm...

Ive been thinking a lot lately... just about the future and what I want. I think im really excited about pursuing a PhD and its coming quick. I hope that I get in somewhere, and also I think I really would be ready and prepared to move to England. Something about that just feels right to me... I don't know how to explain it. Also, have been thinking about Africa a lot... I really feel like I made the right decision in choosing to specialize in it. Its just such a massive, diverse place that is super important. It almost has a magical aura to it, although Im pretty sure its just because I haven't been there. Also, I get this charity magazine and it had a bunch of articles on it.. I don't know just excited and anxious to do more research on it. I really feel like I am ready to move on and advance myself academically. I just hope I get the opportunity.

Anyways, like usual, missing my friends a bit. Its been tough not having a lot of friends around. Just got to suck it up a little longer. Well, I guess thats it.. Don't want to ramble on too much haha. ^_^


Paul said...

Man i have no doubt you will get in to some great schools to do your PhD. One of my buddies from up here just got back a couple weeks ago from a trip to Ethopia doing some charity work down there. Said it was absolutely amazing and had a great time. I bet it would be an amazing place to study. Hope everythings going well, and looking forward to seeing you at Pistol Petes.

Anonymous said...

Hey man,

Thanks for the love, I didnt even notice you posted a comment on here haha I never knew anyone checked it! Yeah I would love to study in Africa and had a great time with your at petes buddy.