Well, I finally pulled the trigger and made the 3 hour drive to Las Vegas. My friend Matt was in town for his job and he got us a room comped at the Mandalay Bay shown above. It was the nicest hotel Ive ever stayed in and huge! We could have spent the whole time in their and not gotten bored. I was only up there for 2 nights and a day, but it seemed like we packed a lot in. We walked the strip a few times, gambled a little, drank a little too much on wednesday night at least, saw a burlesque show at one of the night clubs in the Mandalay Bay, went and saw Hoover Dam which is about 25 minutes southeast of the city. All in all it was a pretty cool experience, definitely something you should check out if you have the opportunity. A few words of advice however... first, make sure you have plenty of money as it is very expensive there; second, don't plan on sleeping a lot, the city doesn't really wake up until 9 or 10pm and goes all night. The weather was perfect when we were there, in the 60's and 70's; in the summer it is constantly around 100 so it gets super hot being that it is hot in the middle of a desert. I can see how people get trapped into Vegas and obsessed with it, but its not really me. Fun to visit once in a while, but there are a lot of other places I would rather go.
Its been a really busy 9 or 10 days for me. 3 papers, a midterm, and two trips. I think I've driven about 1,600 miles or so in 10 days.. which is a healthy amount. I don't mind that, I love driving and its been great. I was pretty exhausted yesterday though, I had to leave Vegas at 6am in order to get back home for work at 10am. So i was pretty tired, I went to bed at like 11:30pm last night and woke up at 8:30am for work so I got a good 9 hours which is like an eternity for me. I think that is what has made me the most tired, ive had alternating nights of 2-4 hours of sleep a night with 7-8 hours the next night, which will really screw up your sleeping schedule. Not too mention I probably drank 4 nights in the last 10 days, by far the most I ever have. So those things combined had worked me over a little. I feel good today though, my diet has been wacked out too (not diet like im on one or something but just the food I have been eating in general). So that is getting back to normal as well.
Im trying really hard to find some work I can do during the week. I love my job its so easy and I just do homework and read and stuff, but Im tired of working weekends. I dont make enough money (minimum wage) to make it worth my time anymore. I never hang out with my dad who goes quad riding like every other weekend but I always work. Also, I have to take off work to take all these little trips which I dont mind but it is just a pain. Im going to try to start subbing I think, also I have an interview tonight to assist a senior citizen just like 5 hours a week but 10$ an hour. I applied to a few writing things on craigslist to so we will see. If i can get 2 or 3 little things going that add up to how much I make right now, Ill quit here pretty soon I think.
School is finally winding down for the quarter, I only have 3 more regular weeks and then finals week. I have all 100%'s in my classes right now.. so I think I have a pretty good shot at getting a 4.0. I only have one more test left in any of my classes, its all papers and activities so its easy. As far as activities go.. The Indian Wells Tennis tourney will be here soon and im going March 12,13, and 22 I think. And then I leave for Cancun on March 26(my bday!) until March 31. Pretty busy month starting with the first trip up north last week, but I like that.
Sorry this post is so long, just had a lot to talk about I guess. Also, Im considering trying to create some kind of advice website.. I don't know just something I have always wanted to do, I think i have a lot of good advice to give on stuff and I like helping people so. We will see. Anyways take care and see you soon.
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