Well, I think I might have figured out a topic for my master's thesis. I was in the shower today when it struck me that Senegal is one of the most stable democracies in Africa.. maybe the most stable. Another interesting thought hit me... Senegal is a Muslim country.. wait what? Thats right, A muslim country besides India (which has a multitude of religions and is not predominantly muslim) that has a healthy, stable operating democracy. Why? I do not know, but maybe I can find out why and write my thesis about it. In this day and age where our new President is about DIPLOMACY and spreading democracy peacefully it would be an interesting thing to look in to. I have been thinking about writing my thesis on Africa so why not Senegal?
In other news.. I have a busy week coming up. Thursday is San Diego with my pops to see Robin Williams perform Stand up comedy. Friday is John Legend concert in Indio. Hmm, The next week might be even busier though, but Im going to keep that under wraps unless the chance that a certain someone stumbles on this blog and it ruins a surprise. Did not have the greatest week as far as working out and my cardio ugh... Its been raining down here and messing with my plans a little.
Everything is going pretty well though. I have been playing a lot of Halo and Rock Band 2. I can play most songs on expert for guitar and bass pretty easily except some of the solos. I can sing a lot of the songs on hard, expert is pretty tough. On drums I have gotten a lot better and I am starting to play almost all the songs on hard and a few on expert. In Halo, there are two areas of my game that have really improved. First, is sticking people with sticky grenades. I probably average 1.5-2 sticks per match which is really good. Ive had some unbelieable ones in the past week too. The other area is my sniping because im finally practicing it a little. Also the last two days I have been using the Spartan laser a little and have improved with that as well.
About done with the Obama biography I have been reading, have only like 20 pages left. Ill probably finish it tonight. I read Obamas Audacity of Hope which rocked, this is called from Promise to Power by David Mendell. It covers Obama from before his race for the Illinois senate right up to the point where he announced his presidential candidacy. Its really interesting to get the opinion of someone who was near him almost every day and had a lot of access to him (Mendell is a writer for the Chicago Tribune who covered Obama). I want to buy and read Obama's first book now "Dreams from my father" its suppose to be really good.
I feel really restless lately. Im fairly busy I guess, with school, work, exercise, reading, watching movies, tv, and playing video games. I dont know why but I constantly feel the need to plan and look to the future. I just have a hard time being content with things. It is a little frustrating because I plan trips and buy things to fill up my schedule when its not always necessary. I dont really regret it, just not sure why I wont let myself feel complacent. Oh well.
Tomorrow is my dads birthday, Im suppose to take him to BJs tomorrow night with my uncle but Brendan never called me back. I didnt buy my dad a card or bake him a cake yet.. hmm. Not really sure what to do, I would bake him a cake but we have had so many cookies and candy and junk in this house lately I really dont want to have to eat any. Its kinda selfish. I got an idea though. I could wake up early and make him breakfast... Thats a good idea. Pancakes maybe.. hmm I only have 1 egg though. Ill think of something. Anyways long post, guess I had a lot on my mind. See you soon
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