Well, it has been a busy few days and its not going to get any slower. I took my dad thursday night to see Robin Williams perform standup comedy live in San Diego. He was awesome, completely funny. The guy has so much energy for a 57 year old, he is just like non-stop go go go. He made jokes about bush, obama, the human body, all kinds of stuff I loved it.
Then last night I took my friend Andrea to see John Legend live out in Indio. Oh man he was legit! His voice is so good live, plays the piano and just entertains. He played about 20 songs from all 3 of his cds. The night started out kind of stressful with traffic and we thought we were going to be late. The show was suppose to start at 8pm, we got there at 8:30 and he walked in right by us so it was perfect timing. What a great concert. Afterwards, we stopped by my uncles for a bit before heading back home.
The rest of this weekend I need to try to do all my homework for my next week in my teaching class because Im leaving tuesday night and I do not want to have to worry about doing homework up north. I also have my midterm tuesday night that I need to study for and I have an analytical essay that will be due the day after I get home from up north. Busy busy, but its good I like having stuff to do.
Played tennis thursday, it was the first time ive played in probably a month that I actually felt like I had improved. My serve is slowly working itself out and I was a lot more steady on both the forehand and backhand sides. John and I played four sets and it was good, somewhat competitive tennis.
Today is Valentine's Day, so I guess I should say a little something about it. Ive only ever had a girlfriend on two valentine's days, so it has never been a huge holiday for me. I spent last year's in Athens and there was no mention of it anywhere - apparently it barely exists in Europe. I did do something special for someone, we will see if they can figure it out and I get a phone call from them later today. Ill have to post in the next few days and disclose my plan to everyone haha.
Oh yeah.. Finished the Obama biography. It was a really good and insightful book, from an outside perspective. I am about halfway through a book called "Life of Pi", which is a really cool, magical, cute kind of story. Haha that sounds weird, but I don't know any other way to describe it. Its good though and I highly recommend it. I hope everyone has a wonderful valentine's day and weekend. See you soon.
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